So what happens?
Initially, I will engage with adults involved with the child or young person. Information about the child or young person and the Play Therapy process will be shared and a contract for the work will be established.
Play Therapy sessions then take place once a week at the same time and in the same place (playroom, school or possibly at home). I have a large selection of play materials from which the child or young person can choose. These include art and craft materials, sand, water, small figures, animals and vehicles, puppets, dressing up props, baby dolls and musical instruments.
Play Therapy offers a confidential space in which personal issues can safely be explored. I help the child or young person to make sense of their life experiences and to express difficult feelings through play. I work in a child-centred way so sessions are led by the child or young person.
Sessions last 50 minutes each and are usually planned in blocks of 8, with review meetings taking place around session 5 of each block in order to determine whether another block of sessions should be planned or if working towards an ending feels appropriate.
Whilst some children or young people will respond to a short-term intervention (for example, 12-16 sessions), a longer-term intervention is likely to be required where difficulties are more complex (for example, 1 year plus).